Wednesday, August 7, 2013


This is awesome! I just found the blogger app! Yes, sad but true I didn't know it existed until now and not for a lack of trying. I thought there had to be an app to be able to post via mobile but each time I searched for "blog" in the App Store it wouldn't come up. Now you are all going to hear too much from me. So get ready cuz this is awesome! 

I started another new blog called "Bitty Bug Crafts" at Yes it is a craft blog. I will put a link to get to it on this site when I am not mobile (squeal!) it may sound dumb, but I love to craft and have been sadly unable to do so for some time. I haven't made it a priority and when I did have the time I didn't have the desire. I don't know what changed, but I am now into over drive. This is all I think about that is all I dream about. I love having this creative side back! It is so therapeutic for me. So I created the blog to showcase all of the things I have and will be doing. Lets face it, if I become a craft blogger and make money doing so, that wouldn't be so bad either. ;) 

For now, just check it out and enjoy. I am going back to bed. ;)

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