Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sugar Rush

This morning as Zachary woke up for his final "feeding", (that's me trying to extend my sleep) we heard a crash from down the hall. Darren started to get up and I said "just sleep, it wasn't breakable." The kids always get up around 6, Michael usually gets up earlier. So if it isn't breakable then it isn't totally worth it. Then about 20 min later Michael and Liam came running in. Liam asked "Me want cake, please?" it was very cute and while I was tempted to just say yes, I asked "is that what crashed?" Michael was very animated as he said "Yes! I wash my hands and my face, see, feel it!" So did he eat the cake, my guess is only a little that Liam said he had to ask mommy first. This is usually how things go. Liam is good at asking mommy first even though he knows mommy might say no and he will cry, it is better than getting in trouble for not asking. I got out of bed then, Zachary was awake and trying to get to the boys anyway, might as well go see the damage.
This is the cake from Lily's birthday last Wednesday.

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