Sunday, October 23, 2011

Take 3

2 Weeks ago I stepped on Mike's glasses ($290) in the van after he threw them. Not my fault, but I will take the blame since I knew he threw them and still got in the van without looking first. I bent them in the wrong place of course, so off to Costco we go. He got a new pair and I even sprung for the transitions. ($136) They looked super cool as both the regular glasses and the sunglasses. The only problem was that I didn't get them to tight around his ears, so they slipped all the time for the whole week and a half. Friday I couldn't find them before school, so he went without them. Friday afternoon, they were recovered. Friday, late afternoon, they were broken. That's right. Mike snapped them and tried to hide them under one of our big lounge chairs. Smart, but Dad saw the whole thing, not so smart. Yesterday, we went to Costco to order a new frame (same ones, just snap the lens in was my thought) I explained to the girl what happened and she said that they are only covered if it is a manufactures defect, but the super sweet other girl said to give it to us anyway!!!! Can you believe it!? 2 weeks and he will have new glasses again. Love Costco.

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