Sunday, August 14, 2011

Almost to an end!!

I know that most people don't look forward to waking up early and going back to school, so maybe I am a terrible mother, but I can't wait!! It has been a good long summer and the kids are ready (I am ready) to get back some normal routines. We are very much a routine family and need some of that structure back in our lives.

I do feel bad that I didn't do more with the kids this break and Mike did only attend 2 of the 4 weeks of summer school, but the days went by so quick and I am realizing more every day how much more difficult it is for me to do things with all 3 kids, mainly cuz Liam can't do much.

We did start the summer with a bang though. We went to the zoo and hurricane harbor. Hit the park a couple of times (one year old and parks are not a whole lot of fun) and then recently went to chuck e cheese's. The kids did "Grandma's Camp" and attended their first baptism (my nephew Gregory, the first on Darren's side of the cousins to be).

Next year, we are going to hit summer with a PLAN! I see all of these people making "summer bucket list" s and I am going to do the same (just not call it that, I don't like the title) I also think I am going to hold a 6 week craft camp for a little structure in our lives, and some time to interact with their friends and possibly make some new ones.

Now for the funnest part of our summer. Darren has off for the next 3 weeks and we will be going to San Diego for Sea World and the Zoo and then camping with a group of friends. Disneyland will be next week (blackout dates SUCK) then school starts. The only bummer is, school starts, which for me means lots of people wanting haircuts, and me being out of town/time.

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