Monday, December 20, 2010

Movie Review

Everyone has a secret dream job, mine is not so secret anymore... I would love to be a movie critic. So here goes!!!
Let me begin by saying that, I never saw the first Tron, so I had none of the background (aside from what Darren has told me). I saw it in IMAX 3D. While I was sucked into the story, and the cute boy, the action didn't disappoint. However the 3D did. There was a disclaimer at the beginning stating some of this film was filmed in 2D however you are to leave your 3D glasses on at all times. Truthfully the only time I saw a difference was when glass shattered and even that was minuscule. Waste of 3D money. The CG, however, was quite impressive. Making Jeff Bridges ageless, he became flawless. As well as most of the movie. The story of Tron was briefed enough for a naive audience. I got excited in the anticipation of what would happen next. Would they make a twist or keep things on track? The acting was wonderful and so believable. I reallly felt as if I was in "the grid". Congrats to Disney for pulling off a sequel soooo far away from the original and giving the new generation a Tron to remember. Two thumbs up, a must see.

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