Sunday, February 14, 2010

Getting crafty

While Michael is at school, Lily and I try to come up with fun things to do. This time was face painting. It didn't suprise me that she would like something like this because she likes make up, paint and colors, so why not put it on your face. We did a butterfly and a ladybug. When we picked Michael up from school, everyone thought we had been somewhere and nope, moms just a little nutty. When Michael came out of class he was fixated on Lily's face. "whats that?" he repeated the whole way home. When we got home Lily offered Michael some face paint. This is funny to me that he was so excepting because he doesn't like anything out of the ordinary to touch his head. He kept telling me "no ears, all done" (We have been talking about going to the ENT and he is not excited) So I opted for the easiest and fastest way to paint his face. I got one good green dot with a round sponge brush and when I went back for the touch up with a regular brush, the look he gave me was like "hey, what the heck do you think you are doing!" I had to switch back and then go to the otherside. After almost a half hour, we had finally finished Mike Wazouski from Monsters Inc., and Nemo from Finding Nemo. After that he was a happy camper and showed everyone we saw for the rest of the day and was sad when they had to get washed off. (Smarty me, lotion before I put on the paint would have been a good idea. Michael's one cheek was stained green for 2 days and Lily's purple.)
Now would this be the end of our face painting... Nope. A week later, Lily told me as I put her to bed pinching her cheeks together, "Tomorrow you paint my face,... Hearts" again while Michael was at school we did this again. This time Michael was too terrified to let me near his face, but was pleased to show off his sisters.

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