Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Ahh.... I feel human again. It's amazing what just a trim and a little shaping can do to your hair and your head. I feel so refreshed and presentable. Some may wonder who a stylist goes to for their hair. Most who work in a salon go to someone in that salon. I however don't work in a salon, so I go to my friend Jena at Play Hair Lounge. I don't do her justice when I style it myself afterward, but she makes me feel pretty again. My brother even noticed! Lily asked if I got my hair cut and if I cried like Michael. No, I reassured her that even mommy likes getting a haircut like Lily.


  1. I think if you cried during a haircut, it wouldn't say much for Jena's ability! Glad you got that time to is the best!

  2. I bet it's pretty cute. Hope you guys are staying dry. It snowed up here all around our house (literally -snowing at Target!) but none here. Just rain. :-(

  3. Yeah!! Im glad you like it. Isnt that just the best feeling.
