Sunday, November 10, 2013


This week I will turn 30!! No, I am not asking for birthday wishes nor am I looking for condolences. This week I will reflect in the past 30 years and all I have accomplished. The saying "you are only as old as you feel" really rings true. Some days I can't believe I have a husband, 4 kids and a mortgage, other day I wonder when retirement is and fantasize about the days when I will miss "these days". 

Now to lay it all on the table... When Darren and I got married, I weighed 107 lbs. when I got pregnant with Michael, I weighed 111 lbs. Now, 10 1/2 years and 4 kids later... I weigh 138 lbs. (keep in mind, I am 5'2" and small boned) I realize that many of you will look at these numbers in disgust, for me, I do for an entirely different reason. There will not be another baby in our future, I have finished nursing Zachary and I am anxious to have my body back. Darren and I talk regularly about having a healthier family and what we can do to achieve this. Michael has a mild weight issue that is fueled by "fries chicken". This saddens me since we were so cautious about his food intake as a baby and it now has gone out the window. I feel like someone is always sick and rundown. I know this is because our eating habits (personal hygiene is something I am already very adamant about) Today I vow to change this for my family. 

My personal goal... Next year I will weigh 110 lbs. I am going to take hideous pictures of myself and post them monthly for the blogosphere to see. We will only eat out once a week at a non "fast food" restaurant. We will eat more fruits and veggies and less packaged foods. Juice and soda will be a treat instead of a staple. And we will act as if Hostess never returned. TV and video games will be replaced with family outdoor games. This time next year, my family and myself will be happier and healthier.