Thursday, May 30, 2013

No fly list??

Darren is out of town. I feel comfortable telling everyone now that it is the last night and no crazies can show up in the middle of the night after announcing this. :) The week hasn't been terrible. He left on Monday night after the kids went to sleep.

Tuesday was like any other "school day". The kids were a little confused by daddy's car being here and him not. He is in Kentucky, Liam asked if daddy walked there. Too cute!

Wednesday, Liam woke up with a fever. We were already running late to school. The kids haven't been sleeping well and Zachary has started waking up every 3 hours to feed, that is something he has never done. So I was tired and we were running late. Lily dropped to the floor after I told her she needed to hurry and get dressed or we will be late and started whining about how she doesn't want to be late... get off the floor then! So, rushing the kids out the door, I carried Liam and grabbed my keys from the bathroom (that is where they belong, right?!) and he puked all down my back. I heard it coming... sigh. Now all may think this is the worst day I have had or will have this week, wrong! I hate when my kids are sick, but there is something to be said for the hours of sleeping they spend! I got so much done!

Thursday, today... normal day, but I was reminded that there is a talent show at the kids school and I had promised Lily a while back that we would go. It was May 3rd but then the fires canceled it and it was rescheduled for tomorrow. Now I realize it is last minute, but I have contacted 4 girls in my ward to babysit or attend with me and have been turned down by each of them. Not because they are already babysitting another family, but because they are hanging out with friends, or working on a project or one is in a play (can't fault her, I did know about that one, but had forgotten)

So this brings me to the title of my post... am I on a "no fly" list in my ward? I was hesitant to call anyone else in fear of more rejection. I know my boys can be a handful, but it hits hard. :(