Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let's play catch up

Well, to be totally honest, we have been busy. However, nothing new and exciting (almost). School is going well for the kids, no fights or anything. Mike is working on speaking in complete sentences, such as, "The boy is in the boat." instead of "Boy in boat". He is getting better. On my Birthday my family came over for our traditional "Pizza Birthday Dinner" and Mike announced to everyone walking through the door, "Is Mommy's Birthday!!" Really, I big step. We keep encouraging "is" because this is most often left out, now it is in everything. "Is, watch TV", "Is my lunch". BTW, not questions, just statements. Still pretty good. I swear the kid has grown 6 in this year! We will see next month when he goes in for his annual though. He helps me pack his lunch every day and is not so happy that he doesn't get pizza everyday. I did let him buy his lunch one day when they were having Dominos Pizza. His teacher said He told everyone that day that he was buying lunch with his own money and he is going to have Pizza! She did also said that he was so excited though that after he got through the line and got his tray, it was kinda like, "now what?"

Lily has made it very clear that she is both my perfect angel and little devil. Right when I think things are going well and we have no complaints, BAM! Here comes Hyde. She is really great with everything, helping, loving, playing nice, sharing, getting everyday routines done. But she flips the switch when it comes to cleaning up and eating dinner. I love her, but these grays are really showing. She loves school and has no problem making friends. I love that. Her hair is looking more and more like Rapunzel. It has passed the middle of her back now.

Liam has 2 chipped teeth out of the 7 in his mouth. And that little skin that connects your lip to your gums on the top is now split. He hits his mouth at least once a week. We went to the dentist and they asked if he had ever been before, "Really?! He is 15 months old" (this was 2 months ago) The dentist said that as soon as they start getting teeth, it is never too early. Puh-lease!! Well we have been, so I guess it isn't to early. I stand corrected, however I would not have been there if it hadn't been an emergency. He is talking more though and understands so much it is crazy. I do compare Lily and Liam a lot though. Lily at this age would scream "NO!! I want to stay with Michael!" as we would leave preschool at this age. Liam just screams. The teacher Lily has is the same that Mike did and recalls the same stories.

Quick funny side story though. A few weeks ago I got a speeding ticket. We were in T.O. for a kiddo Dr. appt. and it had been a looong day. On our way home, Liam cried the whole time, Lily and Mike argued about video games and were hitting each other and then crying about it. I had had enough!! I was just driving, nothing more.
I went to change lanes to exit onto Yosemite and looked in my rear view mirror to see flashing lights. I couldn't even hear him tell me to exit the freeway and park till I screamed and the kids went silent for a moment.
Lily asked why we are stopping here and not going home. I said I didn't know.
When I rolled down my window, the officer didn't even ask, all he said was "you were going to fast" and asked for my papers.
Again Lily "what does he want?"
I respond "I was going to fast and now I am in trouble."
Officer came back and said I was going 82 mph and asked it I had looked at my speedometer.
I responded "no, The kids were screaming and I wanted to get home" The were dead silent.... REALLY NOW!!
He was kind and I got a little ticket and he said it looks like I have my hands full. As I started to pull away
Lily asks "Are you speeding now, mommy?"

My birthday weekend my Uncle and his family were here, but not for me. Their kids are growing like weeds!! Chrisma and Lily get along really well and had some fun, but not enough. She and Rajan are so good with my kids, so helpful and keep them occupied so well! It was awesome to shop!

I drove to my sister Samantha's the weekend before Thanksgiving, for my niece's first birthday. It was great. The kids really do a great job in the car, despite the previous story. They had a great time visiting Aunt Samantha, Uncle Mitchell and MaeLynn.

My cousin Taylor was with my grandparents for a couple of days and she came over for 2 of them to hang out and play with the kids. I think it was a good break for them and for her.
(in preping for Thanksgiving, Lily said "Wow, do I have a lot of cousins." She doesn't, only 4, but I have a lot of younger cousins that are my kids age
Then for Thanksgiving we were at Darren's parents with his Aunt, Uncle and cousin, as well as his bother's family. It was a lot of fun for everyone. The kids got along so well!! I can't even begin to tell you what a relief it is when 6 kids can play with minimal squabbling. Then at midnight, my mom-in-law and I were at Kohls, waiting to get in. We were in and out in a half hour with everything we needed!! It was her first "Black Friday" experience and hopefully not her last.

Aside from these little things, we're just hanging out....