Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New toys are SO CUTE!

All new toys are fun because they are new. But we just got a jumper for Liam and Lily came home from school to say, "Oh my gosh, that is SO CUTE mom!" Michael said, "whoa, what... is... that?" These 2 have been a crack up in the the speech department since Liam was born and even more in the mimicking. So, I will start from the beginning.
The week I brought Liam home was nice, but overwhelming to say the least. I suffered from way more emotional roller coasters then I did with the other 2. Darren went to take a nap, which before you get the wrong idea, I said he should do since he was the one dealing with the older 2 during the night and early mornings that they had decided where play time instead of sleeping. Michael said "I pooped." I told him to get a diaper and the next thing I knew Lily was screaming that there is poop on her potty. I walked into the bathroom to find Michael sitting on Lily's potty with poop smeared down his legs, across her potty, and the big squishy log smushed on the floor. I started to cry. I Lily later told Michael while they were playing, "don't poop on the floor anymore, it makes mommy cry"
Breastfeeding with them is even better. "Mommy you should make water this time" (instead of producing milk, I am now supposed to be a vending machine) A couple of days after Darren went back to work the kids were quiet and I noticed them hiding, both with shirts up and babies to their skin. "Mom, I have to feed my baby, he's hungry" A few minutes after that I had them sit at the table for lunch and was told, "wait, I have to pump first". By the way, Michael thinks his belly button is a nipple and has tried to pump it and told me he would feed Liam "All my self!" and Lily told me "Your boobies are big, mine are little. I just can't feed Liam for you" My mom in law watched Lily and Liam while I went to a field trip with Michael. Liam was crying when she tried to give him a bottle and asked Lily if Liam cries when daddy feeds him, "Daddy doesn't feed Liam..." (she said it like, duh grandma)
They both have been helpful in many ways. We race for diapers and wipes and Lily is always letting Liam know what is cute to wear. She calls him "our families baby". And the second he starts crying Michael has the ETA on the binky. He thinks he is such a big boy. This was our conversation one day
Michael "I hold Liam"
Sierra "ok sit down"
M "on the couch, which one?"
S "you pick" he did and I gave Liam to him and sat facing him on the floor.
M "oh, hi, oh hi, he smile, oh hi, mommy sit!"
S "it's ok I will sit here"
M "no I do it all my self" Liam started to cry
M "mommy binky quick, ready go!"
Knock at the door
M "what that noise like? Get it mommy"
S "Here let me take Liam"
M" no no no, you go, I hold Liam all my self, you be right back. Oh hi oh hi Liam"
I didn't let him keep him, but I thought it was a great attempt. And he pronounces Liams name "hee-num". It is quite cute.

Lily started preschool and the day she was going to go, as we got ready in the morning, she was about to pop. Litterally, if she could have she would have. She has a grin from ear to ear and if you know what I am talking about, that feeling that you could burst at any moment because you are so excited. She could barely contain herself. As we were getting ready to walk out the door Liam was smiling at her and she said, "Mom, Liam is so excited for me to go to preschool, he is smiling at me."

Getting crafty

So I don't have a lot to do during the day (ha) so I look for ways to occupy the time. I do a lot of bows and flowers for hair, but you can only have so many and there isn't that much of a demand if I don't do boutiques more often. So I have been sewing. I have done a couple of things, but thought this was just sew cute, I have to share it. (haha, see what I did in that sentence?)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Pics!

So it has been a while. I don't know what has kept me away for so long?! Oh wait, I do know. Here are the pictures!